Ordinary Children Singing with Extraordinary Sound...

Our Mission

The Kentucky Youth Chorale is an inclusive young singer’s chorale program that interweaves purposeful and sequential music instruction with performance and travel. The Kentucky Youth Chorale programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Performances at civic functions/celebrations, business clubs, dedications, parades, River Park Center, Owensboro Symphony Orchestra, etc.
  • Music Theory and Sight Singing (Solfeggio) taught in addition to the healthy training of the young singer’s voice
  • One Tuesday evening rehearsal a week during the school year
  • Singers auditioned from private, public and home schools (Ages 8-16)

We’re looking forward to “hearing” you soon! Students enjoy your summer & remember practice makes perfect! Sing! Students not yet in Kentucky Youth Chorale, can apply in late April and May.

Podcast with Julie White

Crafting Musicians Through Choral Brilliance

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Apply Now for Kentucky Youth Chorale Click Here!